First, you should know that it never rains on the Richardson Community Band.
However, there have been cases when the ground was muddy, lightning was threatening, or the roads were icy.
If we ever have to cancel or reschedule a concert, we will change our Concerts web page as early as possible to let you know. (Sometimes your browser will display a saved, or cached page instead of the new version of that page. If you suspect this, reload the page.)
We will also update Facebook and Instagram as soon as possible.
You can also get a text from us.
The Band has arranged with RainedOut to send a text to all of you who have signed up.
We will only send a text when a concert has to be canceled or rescheduled. There is no cost to you.
Just text RCBConcert to 84483 and RainedOut will add your phone number to our list.
It looks like this: